A voluntary, parent-led community group supporting families with children visible by colour in Cornwall

Our Aims

Founded in west Cornwall in 2010, Kowetha embraces the county and culture of Cornwall, our home, while supporting and enjoying the diversity of our families.


To provide fun social settings which affirm the identity and self-esteem of children visible by colour in Cornwall.


To support other individuals,
organisations and activities
that encourage diversity and promote community cohesion in Cornwall.


To build a friendly and supportive
network for families in Cornwall who are raising children from visible by colour backgrounds.


To support the social inclusion of our families.


To provide informal and formal advocacy and support to help parents and children face the unique set of challenges that being visible by colour in Cornwall can bring.

A Note On Terminology

In our work we use the term visible by colour to describe the children in our group. This is because our group has been set up for families who have children who ‘stand out’ because of their skin colour and we are sometimes perceived to be different in predominantly white Cornwall.

The term visible by colour is the one that makes most sense to us to describe the experiences of our children and their families.

In focusing that our children are visible by colour we do not suggest that other families in Cornwall who are white ethnic minorities, such as Gypsies, Travellers and  those from non-UK backgrounds do not experience particular challenges and difficulties.

Explore Our Website

Barnado’s Reports

First published in 2014, this provides suggestions for parents and carers raising children visible by colour. Our second report came out in 2024 with a focus on the secondary school experience.

Get Togethers

On the beach, a shared lunch or something adventurous, we meet on the third weekend of every month.

Parent Child Forums

Online meetings that are a chance to chat, share and offer strategies to help. They usually take place on the second Sunday every other month. Future dates are 14th July, 15th September and 10th November.